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Feb 17, 2022

All Platform Python Spamming Bot

Spamming Bot works with all types of chatting platform

🎯 This is the πŸ‘‰GitHub PageπŸ‘ˆ for the bot python code

What is a spam bot?

Speaking generally, bots are computer programs that execute repetitive tasks, and they usually operate over the Internet. A spam bot is a specific type of bot that sends (or helps with sending) spam messages. A spam bot may also post spam in various places where users interact online, such as social media platforms or forums.

It is a spamming bot to send messages repeated times (with emojis) to all chatting platform

6 modes still now-->

1 : Send a text message repeated times.

2 : Type same messsage repeated times.

3 : Paste & send a message repeated times.

4 : Paste a message repeated time.

5 : Send & increase a part of the message repeated time.

6 : Send a multiple msg in different lines repeated times.

with the best command line interface

Before use-->

    • ●

      install python in your system.

    • ●

      install python3 pip in your system.

    • ●


      user module in your system Windows-
      pip install pynput
      pip3 install pynput

Written in latest Python 3

User Directions-->

    • ●

      Run the program (windows-

      python im_spam.py 
      python3 im_spam.py

    • ●

      Choose your option ans enter input.

    • ●

      Enter your message (or as directed).

    • ●

      Enter repeatation time.

    • ●

      Enter time gap between two messages (in second).

    • ●

      Enter idle time before the spammer get activated (in seconds).

7. Move the cursor to the typing area and click there. <<<---------------

And BANG!! spamming has started πŸ‘Ώ

Sending emojis-->

before activating the spammer just copy (or cut) the desired emoji. and use the paste option in the bot.

Bot CLI -->

β”Œβ”€β”€(saptarshi πŸ’– Linux-Mint)-[~/Documents/GitHub]
└─$ python3 im_spam.py
πŸ€– Spammer is Activated 😈
Here are The Instructions -->
Press the following numbers to activate the function...
1 : Send a text message repeated times.
2 : Type same messsage repeated times.
3 : Paste & send a message repeated times.
4 : Paste a message repeated time.
5 : Send & increase a part of the message repeated time.
6 : Send a multiple msg in different lines repeated times.
Enter Your choice : 1
Enter Your Message : abcd
Enter number of times it would repeat [default 0] : 1
Enter time gap between 2 messages : 0.5 Enter Timer time : 5
Time ⏱ Starts Now....
Time left : 0 sec ⏳
Time ends πŸ’£
Sent 1 times
Spamming successfull

Image of the CLI view

*CLI refers to Command Line Interface

Saptarshi Sarkar

Saptarshi Sarkar

πŸ‘‹ Hi, I am the Creator and Maintainer of this blog 😁 πŸ‘€ I’m interested in Latest Techs, programing and Engineering. 🌱 I’m currently learning Computer Science and Engineering. πŸ’žοΈ I’m looking to collaborate on projects that attract me. πŸ“« How to reach me @SarkarSaptarshi (telegram)

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